Jessica Par&#233 Talks Mad Men

Jessica Paré Talks Mad Men Season 5 and Megan Draper/4

Jessica Paré is no April fool, but she'll certainly fool you into thinking you love her as she continues playing Don Draper's latest lady obsession in this Sunday's all-new Mad Men: Episode 5.01: Tea Leaves. The young woman had more than just the offices of Sterling Cooper Draper Price abuzz with her sultry performance of '60's French pop hit "Zou Bisou Bisou" in last week's Mad Men Season 5 premiere. And now, she returns this week to turn even more heads.

We recently caught up with the actress, who participated in a conference call to discuss her future on the show as Don's wife. First, the young actress talked about potential spats that may occur between the newlywed couple.

"It's not a show about people who have everything they want and are just happy. There will be some friction between them. I think the scenes are pretty well sewn in that first episode. Definitely she is a lighter person; she has more light to her than most of the characters on the show. There's a lot of sarcasm and darkness in [Jon Hamm]'s character. So we'll definitely see some more of that. Megan is Don's equal in a lot of ways. One of the ways that she has some kind of power over him is that they are such a great match sexually and physically. These two are a real couple. They go to work together everyday. They have dinner together every night. They spend real time together and she loves and accepts him as a whole person."

Will the marriage affect Don's work?

"Peggy says at one point that it worries her. And she's worried that he might have lost his edge. Which would be a terrible thing for Don to lose. But I don't know, I think it's interesting to see where this tension will take them for sure."

Jessica Paré then spoke about the relationship between Megan and Peggy (Elisabeth Moss).

"You see that Megan and Peggy are friends. At the end of last season, when Peggy and Joan were sort of laughing about this...The fact that he's marrying his secretary...It sets it up, where they could have an antagonistic relationship...But they don't. They're friends. In fact, Peggy has taken Megan under her wing in a certain way. Not totally unlike the way Don took Peggy under his wing. So I think that's an interesting mirror right there. I think Peggy's someone that Megan looks up to and admires and actually really, really likes."

She then addressed the fact that she will most likely be interacting with every major character as the show progresses.

"I can't speak too much to what's going to come this season. Mostly because I can't remember. It was so long ago that we shot it. But yes, I worked a little bit with everyone. I love the Betty character so much. It's just a great portrait of a woman in that era. So I hope that we'll be seeing a lot more Betty and Megan. It's hard to guess at what's in Matthew Weiner's head really. (A flashback to the wedding} would be fantastic. I would love to see what [they] would come up with [for Megan's] wedding dress. I think the biggest surprise for this season, and for this relationship, is that they're actually happy. The two of them are really good together and they're a pretty good match for one another. It's interesting because we've never seen this side of Don. He doesn't even care about work anymore. He says, "I don't care about work. I don't want you at work because I want you." You know. And I don't think we've ever seen him go that far."

Jessica Paré also commented on Megan's style shift from last season to this season, and how that will continue to evolve.

"Now she's Mrs. Draper. She has a little bit more money to spend on clothes. Last season she was dressing as a secretary...There is a dress code in that office, in that position. Now she's Mrs. Draper, and even though she works from the office, she is allowed to be a little bit more fashion forward. Then, of course, at home and at dinner, and out on the street, she can be in Megan mode, [she can be] interesting cool Megan. There's a lot of stuff this season that Megan wears that I am pretty excited about. There's a little more confidence about her. She's Mrs. Draper now. This is the new and improved Megan. So it is a little bit more refined from last year. It's a bit more fashion forward."