The creator of hit Youtube series Fantastic Adventures has been arrested and charged with abuse, neglect and unlawful imprisonment of her seven adopted children. Machelle Hackney created the successful Youtube channel by using her children in superhero-like themes. While the camera was rolling, everything looked great for Machelle as she racked up over 250 million views, but behind the lens there was a story of horrific abuse and neglect not revealed until her arrest last week.

The Fantastic Adventures Youtube channel that Machelle created features the very children she is now accused of abusing behind the scenes. The kids are adorable themselves, so it was easy for Machelle to amass a huge amount of views on her videos. She focused on using the kids in superhero themes, covering silly topics, every now and then throwing in a fun Nerf battle to mix things up. Michelle made the show popular from an Arizona location where she was releasing a new installment of Fantastic Adventures once a week.

The episodes, using fun titles, exclamation points, and cookie hunting, brought her an income of a couple hundred dollars per day. Hackney also has a biological adult daughter, who appeared in Fantastic Adventures with the other kids. The biological adult daughter is the one who leaked the disturbing information to the proper authorities leading to Hackney's arrest. The biological daughter told authorities about the adopted children's abuse nightmare looming behind the Fantastic Adventures facade created by their twisted mother.

Last week Hackney was arrested and charged with various counts of child molestation, child neglect, child abuse, and unlawful imprisonment. The seven adopted children she is charged with abusing range in between the ages of three and fifteen years old. Authorities visited the home in Arizona on a "welfare check" finding the children living in what are described as horrific conditions. She reportedly had one child, wearing only a diaper, closed up in an unlocked closet. When authorities began questioning the kids about their real life away from Fantastic Adventures, they heard numerous accounts of the children being pepper sprayed, starved, beaten with objects, graphically groped. They also heard allegations of the children being forced to take ice baths.

Doing the unimaginable to make her Youtube channel popular, the abuse she doled out would become especially severe when the children would forget lines, or not take direction well while they were being filmed for her Youtube channel. While further questions are being asked as to their wellbeing, the children upon initial inspection looked "ghost like" with dark circles under their eyes, exuding pale complexions which authorities believe is from malnourishment.

Since Hackney's arrest, YouTube first demonetized the Fantastic Adventures channel, and then completely took it down. A YouTube spokesperson said "When we're made aware of serious allegations of this nature we take action, which may include suspending monetization, or, upon conclusion of an investigation, terminating channels." Right after Hackney was placed into custody, her adult sons, Logan and Ryan were placed under arrest for failing to report abuse of a minor. Machelle, Logan, and Ryan are still being held in prison - with a possible bond in negotiations for Machelle. This news first appeared on Buzzfeed.